Functional Programming Meets Web Application Development
If you're checking out functional programming, but are firming stuck in object oriented programming, then give Scala a try. Scala merges aspects of OOP and FP together into a cohesive and flexible language.
If you're a web application developer interested in functional programming, then you'll want to check out David Pollak's presentation on lift to the Bay Area Functional Programmers.
lift is a web framework written in Scala, using both functional programming and Scala's Actors, which enable heavily concurrent applications via lightweight (threadless) processes.
If you're a web application developer interested in functional programming, then you'll want to check out David Pollak's presentation on lift to the Bay Area Functional Programmers.
lift is a web framework written in Scala, using both functional programming and Scala's Actors, which enable heavily concurrent applications via lightweight (threadless) processes.