Exploring Dart's Async Library

(Warning: work in progress...) Use Dart's async library to keep work off the main UI thread and help your users have a smooth and performant experience. The dart:async library contains classes for timers, futures, streams, and more. Effective use of dart:async keeps your apps easier to understand and your UI snappy. Telling the future is easier when you have all the data. The event loop Or, why this all matters. Dart programs, just like JavaScript, have no shared-state threads. The UI and the program use the same thread of execution, so when the UI is updating the program isn't running. Conversely, when the programming is running, the UI isn't updating. Keeping work off of the main thread means more time for the UI to respond to user input, which means the UI feels snappy and responsive. The runtime maintains an event loop and a queue of work to perform. The event loops pops work items off of the queue, one after another. While one work item is handled, the...