Programming the Semantic Web Talk at University of Hawaii

I will be giving a Programming the Semantic Web talk at University of Hawaii on April 12th, 2006, 6pm HST. The talk will be located in the POST building, room 302, at the
University of Hawaii Manoa campus.

I will attempt to explore the foundations of the semantic web (RDF, SPARQL, OWL) and what you can do with those technologies right now. I promised not to do any hand waving, and to show working code.

Here's the talk's abstract:

> The Semantic Web is an effort to enhance the current Web with machine processable information. It is a set of technologies and practices designed to allow machines to combine and reason about Web resources. This talk will explore RDF, the underlying data model for the Semantic Web, SPARQL, the query language for RDF, and OWL, the web ontology
language. We will look at deployable solutions with these technologies that you can use today. Problem spaces such as aggregation of multiple disparate information sources, flexible data models, and knowledge representation and reasoning will be addressed. Avoid the hype, this is the "stuff you can use right now" talk.

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