Presenting an Introduction to HTML5 at University of Hawaii on Sept 10


Thanks to the Pacific New Media Center, I will be presenting an Introduction to HTML5 on September 10th at 7pm at University of Hawaii Art Auditorium, Art Building. This will be a fun and engaging talk with lots of time for questions and answers.

Intro to HTML5 Abstract:

This presentation will cover a very broad range of exciting and cutting edge HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript technologies that are powering the next generation web.  We will see lots of demos and code for a variety of features, and we'll learn why so many developers, large companies, and users are excited by the family of HTML5 features.  We'll focus on what's possible now (more than you think!) and we'll look to the future of what's to come shortly.

This intro talk is targeted at web enthusiasts and web developers new to HTML5.  Anyone who has heard about HTML5 and wants to learn what it's all about and what you can do with it should attend.

Who am I?

Seth Ladd is a Developer Advocate for Google Chrome. He recently moved from Hawaii to Mountain View, CA to work at the Googleplex, and misses the cool Kailua breeze. When not unpacking boxes from the move, he enjoys web engineering and playing Legos with his son.

Please register so we can get an accurate head count!

Please bring your questions, concerns, hopes, and dreams for a better web, as we'll move swiftly from presentation to discussion. I hope to see you all there! I made a Plancast event for easy event and attendance sharing, and there is also a TechHui Event.

N.B. This will be a longer encore presentation from my TechHui Conf lunchtime HTML5 talk. If you saw that, this will be the longer version, but mostly the same content. If you missed that talk, this is the perfect time to catch up on the exciting world of HTML5. Learn why everyone always says, "whoa, I had no idea that HTML5 could do that!"


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