Polymer and Dart: A First Look

In which I try the new polymer.dart, a build.dart file is deleted, and a template springs to life. (This post heavily inspired by Nik Graf's great " Getting started with Polymer.dart " post.) The web is evolving Developers take notice! Coming soon: actual encapsulation, real live data binding, even re-usable components! The Web Components family of specifications is on their way to a browser near you, but the standardizations process is lengthy. Fear not, web engineers are working hard to bring these new capabilities to you today. The Polymer project , a new type of library for the web, is built on top of Web Components, and designed to leverage the evolving web platform on modern browsers. Most importantly, the Polymer project has code that you can use today (to be fair, it's pre-alpha, but much of it works if you are brave). The Polymer project is more than just polyfills. Web UI is evolving The Dart project, to more closely align with emerging ...