You complete me, unless you already have a Dart future
Dart Protip: if you already have an instance of Future, you probably don't need a Completer. Simply return the last Future.
If you find yourself using Completers inside of Futures, like this:
then I'm happy to report there's a better way. Dart's Futures chain, so you can do this instead:
The last Future in a chain can return another Future, or simply a value. It's always a good idea to return a Future from a function that uses a Future. This way, the caller knows when the method finished its async work, and can properly handle potential errors.
Completers are great for bridging a callback-based API with a Future-based API. For example, suppose your database driver doesn't use Futures, but you need to return a Future. Try this code:
To learn more about Futures, read Using Future Based APIs. To step up your game, read Futures and Error Handling.

If you find yourself using Completers inside of Futures, like this:
// NOT recommended.
Future doStuff() {
Future future = someAsyncProcess();
Completer completer = new Completer();
future.then((msg) {
bool result = msg.result as bool;
return completer.future;
then I'm happy to report there's a better way. Dart's Futures chain, so you can do this instead:
// Recommend.
Future doStuff() {
return someAsyncProcess().then((msg) => msg.result);
The last Future in a chain can return another Future, or simply a value. It's always a good idea to return a Future from a function that uses a Future. This way, the caller knows when the method finished its async work, and can properly handle potential errors.
Completers are great for bridging a callback-based API with a Future-based API. For example, suppose your database driver doesn't use Futures, but you need to return a Future. Try this code:
// A good use of a Completer.
Future doStuff() {
Completer completer = new Completer();
runDatabaseQuery(sql, (results) {
return completer.future;
To learn more about Futures, read Using Future Based APIs. To step up your game, read Futures and Error Handling.