
Showing posts from January, 2009

Errorlytics Captures and Fixes 404 Page Not Found Errors For Drupal, Wordpress, PHP, Rails, and Java

For the past several months, I've been working on Errorlytics, a Software as a Service that captures, analyzes, and helps you fix 404 Page Not Found errors for your Drupal, Wordpress, PHP, Rails, and Java web sites and applications. The original idea came from my friends and partners at Accession Media ( SEO and Internet Marketing experts ) and New Evolutions ( web application engineers ). Errorlytics is both a small plugin installed on your web site or application, and a hosted service which captures, processes, aggregates, and fixes 404 page not found errors. If you run a site with Drupal, Wordpress, straight PHP, Ruby on Rails, or Java, then Errorlytics can help you. After installing the open source (and small) plugin, you let the hosted service begin to capture the 404 page not found errors. You can then begin to handle those errors by telling Errorlytics where you want to redirect your visitors. The next time a visitor encounters a 404, they will be transparently redirecte...

Display Javascript Confirmation When User Leaves a Web Page

Update : the original code did not work in Internet Explorer 6 or 7. This is because change events for form elements do not bubble in Internet Explorer. That is lame. In any case, the included code has been tested for Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 6 and 7. Our customer wanted to warn users that if they leave the current page with unsaved changes, those changes will be lost. The requirement is to only show an alert/confirmation when the user has changed the form but did not submit the form. However, don't forget that if the user changed the form but then clicked Submit, no confirmation or warning should be displayed (as they are saving the changes before they leave the page via the submit.) The following Javascript is one way to do it. Note that I am using both Prototype and Ext JS in this snippet. Ext.onReady(function() { Ext.namespace('Dses'); Dses.formChanged = false; $$('').each(function(form, index) { form.getElements().each(fu...