Lazy Load Libraries in Dart

UPDATE: This article is now DEPRECATED, but the feature lives on! Dart now formally supports lazy loading (deferred) libraries. Learn more in the Deferred Loading in Dart article . Dart is a statically analyzable language, and its tree-shaking compiler does a good job of eliminating dead code and producing a single, optimized application file. However, sometimes developers need to control when certain libraries are loaded and thus need to control which libraries are included in the main application file. To help, the dart2js compiler, which converts Dart code into JavaScript code, now supports lazy-loaded libraries. Lazy Load As an example, consider an application that has many different screens. Some screens are more obscure than others, and aren't required for the application to start. A developer should be able to say "I don't need these screens now, but pull them in when I do need them." This lazy-loading is a common deployment strategy for web apps,...