Your First Loop with Dart Web Components

In which the trusty and powerful loop is given its time to shine in Dart Web UI. Thus far, we've looked at data binding, conditionals, and even custom components with Dart Web UI. But you can't get very far without needing to iterate through a collection and render a template for each element. Not to worry! In this post, I'll show you how to bind a collection to a template in Dart Web UI. Many loops. Prerequisites You may want to read Your First Model Driven View with Dart , which contains more information on getting started and configure the necessary tools. This post assumes you've read my previous posts on Web Components and Dart. Overview You can render a <template> tag for each item in a collection. Whenever the collection is modified, the <template> tag is reapplied for every item in the collection (note: we think this will be optimized in future versions of Dart Web UI). Keeping with the style of Web Components, this iteration is dec...