JSP 2.0

ONJava.com: JSP 2.0: The New Deal, Part 1 [Nov. 05, 2003]

The wait is almost over: the latest version of the JavaServer Pages (JSP)specification, JSP 2.0, is about to be released, along with all of the other J2EE 1.4 specifications. The jump to a new major revision for this JSP version signifies that all of the pieces are now in place for using JSP in a new way: there's no need for Java in the pages, thanks to the new Expression Language (EL) and the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), and reusing code is much easier, thanks to two new ways to develop custom actions.

I like the expression language. Having used it in the past, I can say it reminds me of using a scripting language. And that's what this is all leading to anyway: using a high level easy scripting language to develop web sites.

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