Spring.NET Introduction

Aleksander Seovic, Mark Pollak, and Rob Harrop are presenting an Introduction to Spring.NET.

So the first question is Why Spring.NET? Simply, the IoC container transends platforms. Also, a lack of similar toolsets and libraries on the .NET platform required a Spring.NET.

However, it's not a direct port, as the two environments have quite different practices and conventions.

One benefit to the Spring Community is a bigger core development team, and a good cross-pollination of ideas. For instance, the new XML Namespaces and XSD configurations originally came from Spring.NET.

A similarity between Spring.JAVA and Spring.NET is the transaction handling. AOP exists in Spring.NET, but implemented differently. One difficulty with aspects in .NET is methods are by default marked as final.

You'll find there are naming differences between the two environments. Object vs bean, type vs class, dictionary vs map. In .NET all exceptions are unchecked. Configuration is more formal in .NET, something that is ad hoc in Java (ie, just putting some file into META-INF).

With Spring.Web, you can now Dependency Inject your ASP.NET pages.

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