Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow is my first book, soon to be published by APress. The official book page has been updated with the correct book description and cover thumbnail. If I were you, I wouldn't wait for the movie version, so go buy a copy! The contract negotiations with Natalie Portman are still in the works.

> Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow provides in-depth coverage of Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow, two highly customizable and powerful web frameworks brought to you by the developers and community of the Spring Framework. Spring MVC is a modern web application framework built upon the Spring Framework, and Spring Web Flow is a new project that compliments Spring MVC for building reusable web controller modules that encapsulate rich page navigation rules. Along with detailed analysis of the code and functionality, plus the first-published coverage of Spring Web Flow, this book includes numerous tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Spring MVC, Spring Web Flow, and web development in general.

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